Title: irc Subject: just some starter notes for irc client: bitchx, ircii, xchat, epic irc.freenode.org is where all of the good OSS projects hang out Debian group would be: #debian /help - displays all the commands that client accepts /server irc.slashnet.org - connect to slashnet's irc server /nick ascott - change your handle to ascott /join #debian - join the debian channel /join #apache - join the apache channel /who #apache - see who is on the channel (if you are in a command line irc and it doesn't have a user display window) /list - lists all the channels on that server (warning, this can take a really long time to finish listing if you are on one of the big irc networks like undernet.org) /msg ascott some message here - send the private message "some message here" to the ascott user (who doesn't necessarily need to be on the same channel as you) /leave #debian - leave the debian channel but not the apache channel (synonymous with /part) /quit - leave irc client This should get you started. Check out irc.slashnet.org. That server has got a lot of geeks and you usally you can just join a channel on a gerneric topic and there will already be 20-30 people logged in. #php, #apache, #debian, #lamp, #linux, etc... should all be highly populated channels.