Presentation Structure:
1. Intro
2. Description
3. Install
4. Using It
Not sure about a demo
1. Intro
Title: System Imager
Web site:
Software Author: Brian Elliott Finley
Oringinal Proj: Pterodactyl (used to patch Solaris )
Scope of Related Projects:
System Installation Suite
- Mother project
- URL:
- Mother project.
- A collection of open source software projects designed to work together to automate
the installation and configuration of networked workstations.
These software projects fit around a
- modular framework design
- cross-platform,
- Distrobution independant
- scalable
--> 1. SystemImager
Automates Linux installs, software distribution, and patch deployment.
2. SystemConfigurator
- URL:
- A standalone programm, run after installation has finished.
- Offers a consistant API for the configuration of
Network Scripts,
Hardware, and
other configuration data,
accross all Linux distributions and all architectures that Linux runs on.
(RedHat, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, Turbo Linux, Conectiva Linux, Red Flag, MSC.Linux, Caldera)
PentiumItanium, PowerPC, and Alpha in version
3. SystemInstaller
- URL:
- A front end (gui and cli) to System Installation Suite
- It calls System Configurator and System Imager programs.
2. Description
What does it do:
- Automated installs (clones), software distribution, patch updates.
What makes it uniqe:
- Relys on uncompressed "Golden Image"(s).
- One netwrok install system for many types of Linux.
- Non-RPM based system.
How does it work:
- The server can grab (via rsh) a systems image from a "golden client" on the network.
- The image can be deploied to many clients over the netwrok (rsh or rsync).
- System Imager uses a uncompressed "golden image"
You can modify the image on the server easily, as it is uncompressed.
- Updates to the image can be pushded out to the clients over the netwrok (rsh or rsync).
- A modified client can be used to update the image on the server.
- Clients booting from PXE can grab the boot kernel or a fresh image.
*Note from John: This has been very powerful for testing
new kenrels from remote.
- Clients can boot from an install floppy to get a new image.
Where is it used:
- Internet server farms,
- database server farms, '
- high performance clusters,
- computer labs,
- corporate desktop environments.
3. Install of system imager:
-- SERVER: --
I set this up on Mandrake9.1.
1. Prerequisits:
1.1 Install a bunch of stuff
urpmi -a --auto syslinux
urpmi -a --auto rsync
urpmi -a --auto perl-DBI
urpmi -a --auto perl-Tk
urpmi -a --auto perl-XML-Simple
urpmi -a --auto dhcp
urpmi -a bc
urpmi -a --auto pxe
urpmi -a --auto perl-MLDBM
* if you run the 'perl -MCPAN' and are prompted for manual configuration,
select no, and allow auto configure to run.
1.2 Setup ssh key authentication for joe user
ssh-keygen -t rsa # hit enter all the way through (im lazy)
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
cd .ssh
cp authorized_keys2
chmod 644 authorized_keys2
2. Install SystemImager:
cd /tmp
chmod +x
./ --verbose --download --install server
rpm -i sis-packages/systemimager-client-3.0.1-1.noarch.rpm
(or ./ --verbose --download --install client)
(or ./ --verbose --download --install both)
*Note from John: At the end of the command, if all goes well,
it will print this, but you can ignore it,
as they are all installed.
cd /tmp/sis-packages
./installer --install TYPE
*Note from John: if something fails delete /tmp/sys-packages and re-run script
after fixing the error.
3. Enable SSH Support
This step creates /usr/share/systemimager/boot/i386/ssh/systemimager_ssh.tar.gz
Due to export restrctions of crypto, ssh supported is not enabled in the rpm.
To get around this, perform the nex to steps.
3.1 Download the systemimager-source tarball to your imageserver.
cd /tmp/
wget -w
3.2 Unpack it
urpmi -a --auto bzip
bzip2 -d systemimager-3.0.1.tar.bz2
tar -xvpf systemimager-3.0.1.tar
cd systemimager-3.0.1
3.3 Execute the following command:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x86FF9C48
*Note from John: This next step failed until I installed 'bc'
echo "ssh" >> FLAVOR
make WITH_SSH=1 install_ssh_tarball
3.4 Add this to your apache config:
(i.e. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd2.conf )
Alias /systemimager/boot/ /usr/share/systemimager/boot/
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
3.5 Restart apache
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
4. Prepare the system to accept syslogs from remote clients:
4.1 Add this to /etc/services
syslog 514/udp
4.2 In LSB, modify /etc/sysconfig/syslog
Change Line: SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0"
To: SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-r -s -x -m 0"
4.2 Restart syslog deameon
/etc/init.d/syslog restart
4.3 Make sure it is running.
lsof -i udp |grep sys
syslogd 10964 root 27u IPv4 32810 UDP *:syslog
5. Create your dhcpd.conf file.
5.1 /usr/sbin/mkdhcpserver
Welcome to the SystemImager "mkdhcpserver" command. This command will
prepare this computer to be a DHCP server by creating a dhcpd.conf file
for use with your ISC DHCP server (v2 or v3).
If there is an existing file, it will be backed up with the
.beforesystemimager extension.
Continue? (y/[n]):y
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Type your response or hit to accept [defaults]. If you don't
have a response, such as no first or second DNS server, just hit
and none will be used.
What is your DHCP daemon major version number (2 or 3)? [2]: 3
Are you using the fixed-address patch (Y or N)? [n]: n
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/sbin/mkdhcpserver line 202, line 3.
What is the name of your DHCP daemon config file? []: dhcpd.conf
What is your domain name? [localdomain.domain]:
What is your network number? []:
What is your netmask? []:
What is the starting IP address for your dhcp range? []:
What is the ending IP address for your dhcp range? []:
What is the IP address of your first DNS server? []:
What is the IP address of your second DNS server? []:
What is the IP address of your third DNS server? []:
What is the IP address of your default gateway? []:
What is the IP address of your image server? []:
What is the IP address of your boot server? []:
What is the IP address of your log server? []:
If your log server uses a non-standard port, enter it here: []:
Will your clients be installed over SSH? (y/[n]): y
What is the base URL to use for ssh installs? []:
What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? []: african or eruopean?
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Ahh, but seriously folks...
Here are the values you have chosen:
ISC DHCP daemon version: 3
DHCP daemon using fixed-address patch: N
ISC DHCP daemon config file: dhcpd.conf
DNS domain name:
Network number:
Starting IP address for your DHCP range:
Ending IP address for your DHCP range:
First DNS server:
Second DNS server:
Third DNS server:
Default gateway:
Image server:
Boot server:
Log server:
Log server port:
SSH files download URL:
Are you satisfied? (y/[n]): y
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The dhcp server configuration file (/etc/dhcpd.conf) file has been
created for you. Please verify it for accuracy.
If this file does not look satisfactory, you can run this command again
to re-create it: "mkdhcpserver"
WARNING!: If you have multiple physical network interfaces, be sure to
edit the init script that starts dhcpd to specify the interface that
is connected to your DHCP clients. Here's an example:
Change "/usr/sbin/dhcpd" to "/usr/sbin/dhcpd eth1".
Depending on your distribution, you may be able to set this with the
"INTERFACES" variable in either "/etc/default/dhcp" or in your dhcpd
initialization script (usually "/etc/init.d/dhcpd").
Also, be sure to start or restart your dhcpd daemon. This can usually
be done with a command like "/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart" or similar.
Would you like me to restart your DHCP server software now? (y/[n]): n
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5.1 Put config file into position
cp dhcpd.conf /etc/
5.2 Restart daemon
/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart
5.3 Check to see if it loaded
lsof -i udp |grep dhcp
dhcpd 11514 root 6u IPv4 52351 UDP *:bootps
* Note from John: I did steps 6. on the first server install, but not on this one.
6. Open up rshos for clients to connect
6.1 installed rshd server rpm
6.2 added + to /etc/hosts.equiv
6.3 added all names to /etc/hosts.allow
7. Add Daemons to the startup
7.1 System Imager
chkconfig --add systemimager
/etc/init.d/systemimager start
7.2 DHCPD to the startup
chkconfig --add dhcpd
/etc/init.d/dhcpd start
1. Prerequisits:
urpmi -a --auto syslinux
urpmi -a --auto rsync
urpmi -a --auto perl-DBI
urpmi -a --auto perl-Tk
urpmi -a --auto perl-XML-Simple
urpmi -a --auto wget
2. Install SystemImager:
cd /tmp
chmod +x
./ --verbose --download --install client
3. Run the perepare client script
-Reads partition information,
-Stores it in /etc/systemimager/mounted_filesystems
-Creates /tmp/rsync.conf
-Starts rsyncd using the config file.
* Note from John: For SuSE8.2 I had to copy the mandrake version of sfdisk to the SuSE golden
client in order to get the prepareclient to work. Mandrake uses util-linux-2.11x-4tex, and SuSE
uses util-linux-2.11z-25. Go figure. :)
3.1 /usr/sbin/prepareclient
Welcome to the SystemImager prepareclient command. This command may modify the
following files to prepare your golden client for having its image retrieved by
the imageserver. It will also create the /etc/systemimager directory and fill
it with information about your golden client. All modified files will be
backed up with the .before_systemimager-3.0.1 extension.
This file defines the port numbers used by certain software on your system.
I will add appropriate entries for rsync if necessary.
This is the configuration file for the inet daemon, which starts up certain
server software when the associated client software connects to your
machine. SystemImager needs to run rsync as a standalone daemon on your
golden client until it's image is retrieved by your image server. I will
comment out the rsync entry in this file if it exists. The rsync daemon will
not be restarted when this machine is rebooted.
This is a temporary configuration file that rsync needs on your golden client
in order to make your filesystem available to your image server.
See "prepareclient -help" for command line options.
Continue? (y/[n]): Y
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*********************************** WARNING ***********************************
This utility starts an rsync daemon that makes all of your files accessible
by anyone who can connect to the rsync port of this machine. This is the
case until you reboot, or kill the 'rsync --daemon' process by hand. By
default, once you use getimage to retrieve this image on your image server,
these contents will become accessible to anyone who can connect to the rsync
port on your imageserver. See rsyncd.conf(5) for details on restricting
access to these files on the imageserver. See the systemimager-ssh package
for a more secure method of making images available to clients.
*********************************** WARNING ***********************************
Continue? (y/[n]): Y
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Using "sfdisk" to gather information about /dev/hda... Using "sfdisk" to gather information about /dev/hdb... done!
Starting or re-starting rsync as a daemon.....done!
This client is ready to have its image retrieved. You must now run
the "getimage" command on your imageserver.
updateclient -autoinstall -server > -configure-from eth0
-- GET IMAGE: --
1. From the SystemImager Server, run getimage
-Connects to the golden client,
-gets /etc/systemimager/mounted_filesystems,
-creates an excluson list for unsupported filesystems.
(supported filesystems: ext2, ext3, reiserfs)
-rsync over the entire system image (excluding unsupported filesystems)
-Image is stored on /var/lib/systemimager/images/
-Creates autoinstall master script in /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/.master
1.1 getimage -golden-client -image suse8.2_minimum -ssh-user root
This program will get the "suse8.2_minimum" system image from ""
making the assumption that all filesystems considered part
of the system image are using ext2, ext3, jfs, FAT, reiserfs, or xfs.
This program will not get /proc, NFS, or other filesystems
not mentioned above.
*********************************** WARNING ***********************************
All files retrieved from a golden client are, by default, made accessible to
anyone who can connect to the rsync port of this machine. See rsyncd.conf(5)
for details on restricting access to these files on the imageserver. See the
systemimager-ssh package for a more secure (but less effecient) method of
making images available to clients.
*********************************** WARNING ***********************************
See "getimage -help" for command line options.
Continue? ([y]/n): y
root@'s password:
wrote 348396 bytes read 427266670 bytes 345826.98 bytes/sec
total size is 425694030 speedup is 1.00
------------- suse8.2_minimum IMAGE RETRIEVAL FINISHED -------------
Press to continue...
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IP Address Assignment
There are four ways to assign IP addresses to the client systems on an
ongoing basis:
A DHCP server will assign IP addresses to clients installed with
this image. They may be assigned a different address each time.
If you want to use DHCP, but must ensure that your clients
receive the same IP address each time, see "man mkdhcpstatic".
The IP address the client uses during autoinstall will be
permanently assigned to that client.
Don't mess with the network settings in this image. I'm using
it as a backup and quick restore mechanism for a single machine.
Which method do you prefer? [1]:
You have chosen method 1 for assigning IP addresses.
Are you satisfied? ([y]/n): y
Would you like to run the "addclients" utility now? (y/[n]):
- Asks about names of hosts that will try to get an image from this server
- Creates a soft link from the '.master' to the host name.
Link created in /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/
- Updates /etc/hosts, and coppies it to /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/
Welcome to the SystemImager "addclients" utility
This utility has 3 sections.
"Section 1" will ask you for your hostname information.
"Section 2" will allow you to create softlinks from each client hostname to
your "master" script in the "/var/lib/systemimager/scripts" directory.
Example: -> web_server_image_v1.master
"Section 3" will ask you for IP address information that will be combined
with the hostname information provided in Section 1 to create entries in
"/etc/hosts" for each of these same clients. New entries will be appended
to the end of "/etc/hosts". If you specify new hostnames for existing IP
addresses, those entries will be re-written in place to reflect the new
host names.
Continue? ([y]/n): y
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addclients -- Section 1 (hostname information)
The next series of questions will be used to create a range of hostnames.
You will be asked for your domain name, the base host name, a beginning
number, and an ending number.
For example, if you answer:
domain name =
base host name = www
starting number = 7
ending number = 11
Then the result will be a series of hostnames that looks like this:
What is your domain name? []:
What is the base host name that you want me to use? [-domainname]: suse_workstation
What number should I begin with? []: 1
What number should I end with? []: 10
I will work with hostnames: suse_workstation1 through suse_workstation10
in the domain:
Are you satisfied? (y/[n]): y
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addclients -- Section 2 (soft links to master script)
Would you like me to create soft links to a "master" script so that hosts:
suse_workstation1 through suse_workstation10
can be autoinstalled with that image? ([y]/n): y
Here is a list of available autoinstall scripts:
Which script would you like these hosts to be installed with?
[suse8.2_minimum]: suse8.2_minimum
Your soft links have been created.
Press to continue...
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addclients -- Section 3 (adding or modifying /etc/hosts entries)
Your target machines need to be able to determine their host names from their
IP addresses, unless their host name is specified in a local.cfg file.
The preferred method for doing this is with DNS. If you have a working DNS
that has IP address to hostname resolution properly configured for your
target machines, then answer "n" here.
If you don't have a working DNS, or you want to override the information in
DNS, then answer "y" here to add entries to the "/etc/hosts" file on your
image server. After adding these entries, the /etc/hosts file will be
copied to "/var/lib/systemimager/scripts" where it can be retrieved by your
target machines.
I will ask you for your clients' IP addresses one subnet at a time.
Would you like me to continue? (y/[n]):y
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addclients -- Section 3 (adding or modifying /etc/hosts entries -- continued...)
subnet 1
The first host in subnet 1 will be: suse_workstation1
What is the starting IP address for subnet 1? []:
What is the ending IP address? []:
I will work with IP addresses: through
Are you satisfied? (y/[n]):
These entries have been added to /etc/hosts.
Press to continue...
5. Now you have an image in /var/lib/systemimager/images
ls -alF /var/lib/systemimager/images
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 6 17:28 ./
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Jun 4 15:26 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 744 Mar 30 14:45 ACHTUNG
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 702 Mar 30 14:45 CUIDADO
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Mar 30 14:45 DO_NOT_TOUCH_THESE_DIRECTORIES
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 617 Mar 30 14:45 README
drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 4096 Jun 6 09:21 suse8.2_minimum/
1.1 By hand, create a file in / named local.cfg containing these lines:
IMAGENAME=my_image # Minimum
1.2 Put amkautoinstalldiskette floppy in the drive.
1.3 Run mkautoinstalldiskette
mkautoinstalldiskette \
-floppy /dev/fd0 \
-flavor ssh \
-ssh-key /home/jstile/.ssh/id_rsa \
-append ttyS1 \
-config /home/jstile/local.cfg
Here is a list of available flavors:
Which flavor would you like to use? [standard]: standard
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This program assumes that you have a 1.44MB floppy drive and that
it is /dev/fd0. You can use the -floppy command line option to
change this value.
If you do use -floppy, this command will run non-interactively!!!
Use the -help option to see all options.
Insert your floppy diskette now. This will overwrite all
information on your diskette.
Continue? (y/[n]): y
Formatting floppy as 1.44MB ...
Double-sided, 80 tracks, 18 sec/track. Total capacity 1440 kB.
Formatting ... done
Verifying ... done
Creating DOS filesystem on floppy...
mkdosfs 2.8 (28 Feb 2001)
Using "syslinux" to make floppy bootable...
Creating temporary mount point...
Mounting floppy...
Couldn't copy /usr/share/systemimager/boot/i386/standard/initrd.img to /tmp/.autoinstalldiskette.11729!
1.4 Run mkautoinstallcd
1.5 Boot from the hard drive
updateclient -autoinstall -server -configure-from eth0
* Note from John: To test the disk, boot off it.
from the boot prompt,
this would list all the anonymous rsync modules available on the host
# rsync