Title: systemd101 Subject: A few useful systemd commands #--------------------------- systemd has its fingers in: system init, service manager, logger, authenticaton, device managment, network managem ... and it will probably grow ... "units" are the target of actions units are catagroized by type of resource resources are labeld with a suffix (e.g. *.service) # Default resource location: /lib/systemd/system/*.service # Overridden resource location : /etc/systemd/system/*.service #------------------------------- # systemctl options: enable disable reload restart reload-or-restart status is-active is-enabled is-failed #------------------------------- # journalctl options: -f # follow -r # newest logs first -p [priority] # debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert, and emerg -u # ntp -o # cat, short, short-iso, short-precise, short-monotonic, verbose, export, json, jsonpretty, json-see --since "1 hour ago" --since "2015-06-26 23:15:00" --until "2015-06-26 23:20:00" #------------------------------- # Show blocking tree of daemons # systemd-analyze options: critical-chain systemd-analyze plot > something.svg systemd-analyze dot | dot -Tpng -o stuff.png #------------------------------- systemctl list-units --type=service systemctl list-unit-files systemctl status /home systemctl status -t help systemctl status systemctl show docker systemctl list-dependencies systemctl list-jobs systemctl list-machines systemctl list-sockets systemctl list-units systemctl --state=failed systemctl cat fwupd-refresh.service systemctl try-restart fwupd-refresh.service ======================== systemctl poweroff systemctl reboot ======================= # runs a System V init script or systemd unit # NOTE: systemd units take precidence if repeats # but not everything is a systemd service service --status-all #======================= # Runlevels #-------------- # Boot to specific run level systemctl isolate < Target Level> # Show default runlevel systemctl get_default # Set default runlevel systemctl set_default < Target Level > # Show current runlevel who -r run-level 5 2020-07-15 21:04 #======================= # Schedule a job (like cron) #-------------- systemctl list-timers --all ##------------------------------------------ # create area for user jobs ##------------------------------------------ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user ##------------------------------------------ # Create service in ~/.config/systemd/user # NOTE: Can use variables in ExecStart ##------------------------------------------ cat > ~/.config/systemd/user/hello-world.service<<'EOF' [Unit] Description=A job to greet the world [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/home/demouser/.local/bin/hello-world.sh [Install] WantedBy=default.target EOF ##------------------------------------------ # Create timer in ~/.config/systemd/user/ ##------------------------------------------ cat > ~/.config/systemd/user/hello-world.timer <<'EOF_TIMER' [Unit] Description=Schedule a greeting every 10 minutes RefuseManualStart=no # Allow manual starts RefuseManualStop=no # Allow manual stops [Timer] # Execute job if it missed a run due to machine being off Persistent=true # Run 120 seconds after boot for the first time OnBootSec=120 # Run every 1 minute thereafter OnUnitActiveSec=600 # # run on the minute of every minute every hour of every day # OnCalender=*-*-* *:*:00 # # run on the hour of every hour of every day # OnCalender=*-*-* *:00:00 # # run every day # OnCalender=*-*-* 00:00:00 # # run 11:12:13 of the first or fifth day of any month of the year 2012, but only if that day is a Thursday or Friday # OnCalender=Thu,Fri 2012-*-1,5 11:12:13 # File describing job to execute Unit=hello-world.service [Install] WantedBy=timers.target EOF_TIMER ##------------------------------------------ # enable to service ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user enable hello-world.service ##------------------------------------------ # test run of the job: ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user start hello-world.service ##------------------------------------------ # Actually schedule it! ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user enable hello-world.timer ##------------------------------------------ # Check/monitor the service: ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user status hello-world systemctl --user list-unit-files ##------------------------------------------ # View the logs: ##------------------------------------------ journalctl --user --unit hello-world.service journalctl --user --unit hello-world.timer ##------------------------------------------ # only log messages for the current boot: ##------------------------------------------ $ journalctl --user --unit hello-world.service --boot $ journalctl --user --unit hello-world.timer --boot ##------------------------------------------ # manually run ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user start hello-world.service ##------------------------------------------ # manually stop it ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user stop hello-world.service ##------------------------------------------ # Permanently stopping/disabling the timer and service: ##------------------------------------------ systemctl --user stop hello-world.timer systemctl --user disable hello-world.timer systemctl --user stop hello-world.service systemctl --user disable hello-world.service systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user reset-failed ##------------------------------------------ # Use the cgroup network accoutning ##------------------------------------------ sudo systemd-run -t --wait -p IPAccounting=1 /bin/bash [sudo] password for demouser: Running as unit: run-u1144.service Press ^] three times within 1s to disconnect TTY. ping -c 5 --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4084ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.090/0.108/0.139/0.017 ms exit exit Finished with result: success Main processes terminated with: code=exited/status=0 Service runtime: 1min 56.758s IP traffic received: 0B IP traffic sent: 0B #----------------------------------------------- # This didn't work for me, # but it is supposed to block the ping # just within this bash shell #----------------------------------------------- sudo systemd-run -t -p IPAddressDeny= /bin/bash ping Supposed to output: ping: sending: Operation not permitted #-----------------------------------------------